- 性 别: 女
- 年 龄:56岁
- 地 区:香港 香港
- 婚 姻:未婚
- 身 高:168厘米
- 收 入:保密
- 职 业:计算机/互联网/IT
- 学 历:硕士
- 婚 房:无婚房
- 户 口:香港 香港
本人 年青的時候只顧工作 踏入中年後 曾經心死 覺得自己還是 獨身 所以曾經投入一段感情 但是備受盡傷害 希望你能平復我的心 我是認真的 請讓我倆 珍惜對方 走下去
When I was young, I determined to work hard and missed various chances of being loved. Till I stepped into an older age, I jumped out, but was being hurt and fall into different tough periods. Hope we can love and care each other in the rest of our years.
When I was young, I determined to work hard and missed various chances of being loved. Till I stepped into an older age, I jumped out, but was being hurt and fall into different tough periods. Hope we can love and care each other in the rest of our years.